USS Scoperta
Post 104

<O'brien's room>

O'brien just walked in to his room to grab some padd he left this morning
wenn he was contacted

=/\=This is captain Satarius to Lt. O'brien, Lt N'vek and Ensign O'kay
please report as soon as possible to the bridge=/\=

O'brien thought by him self: "What would tha captain want from us three, did
we do something wrong or is she going to give us a special mission???

O'brien run out of his quarters to the nearest turbo lift, before the lift
he found Robberto waiting.

O'kay: Do you knbow why the captain wants to see us??
O'brien: No idea, maybe we have do some mission together

Together they walked into the turbolift who just stopped.

<The Lift>

In the lift was Paul standing.

O'brien: Paul, do you know why we have to report
Malari: Yes, i do but i won't tell you, just go there and ask the captain
O'brien: Allright, than you own two more ginger ales
Malari: I thought that you owned me three???
O'brien: We will discusse this later first i have to report to the cap.

The door opened and the three man walked out of the lift. N'vek was sitting
in the captaischair. He stood up and walked to the three man.

N'vek: Michael and Roberto you can take your post the captain ordered that.
Malari: And I??
N'vek: the captain didn't asked for you.
Malari: I now i just came here to make contact with the medical databse on
starbase 456.
N'vek: Ok

O'brien walked to the captains chair and O'kay took his place, at the
operations console. 2 minutes later Kavek walked in and took position.

<<<<5 minutes later>>>>>

Satarius walked out of here ready room

Security officer Flows (NPC): CAPTAIN ON THE BRIDGE!!!!
Everybody jumped up and saluted to the captain. Satarius walked slowly to
here chair but stopped half the way and took padd

O'brien: (thinking)(Why doesn't she say ad ease, what is here plan)

Satarius walked to Roberto and started to speak

Satarius: Ad ease! Ens. O'kay you have been a great operations officer in
the time you've been here and served the Federation well. Therefor Starfleet
has decide to promote you to Lieutenant Junior Grade and give you the
position of Chief operations.

Satarius put the insignia on O'kays uniform
Then all the bridge crew wanted to congratulate o'kay, but the captains
signed that everybody had to be quiet bit longer

Satarius walked to O'brien and said.

Satarius: Lt. O'brien you have been a great Science officer in the time
you've been here and served the Federation well, The last three weeks you
were temporaly promoted to XO. You did those jobs well and Therefor
Starfleet has decide to promote you to Lieutenant Commander and give you the
position of Xo on the Scoperta.

Satarius put the insignia on O'brien uniform

Satarius: Lt. Jg. N'vek you have been a great Engineering Chief in the time
you've been here and served the Federation well. Therefor Starfleet has
decide to promote you toa full Lieutenant .

Satarius put the insignia on N'vek uniform

After this ceremony O'brien walked to the captain

Satarius: You know what happends when you got promted to Lt. Cmdr??
O'brien: No, m'am
Satarius: Than your captains orders you to take a week of vaccation!!!

Satarius and O'brien Laughed about it and o'brien said: Well thanks cap,
it's good to give me one week, if i had to ask it my self i surely asked two
Lt. Cmdr. O'brien
XO Uss Scoperta