USS Scoperta
Post 08

<<< Science Lab>>>

It's dark the lights are off. Two officers walk in with each a kit.

N'Vek: Hello, is anyone injuried in here? *shines a hand light in the room*

O'Brien: No I'm just a little light headed propobly because the oxygen flow stopped in here for a minute or two. I'll be fine.

Lieutenant: (NPC) Let's begin those repairs. *walks to a wall station and attaches a small power cell.*

The lights blink on, dimmed.

N'Vek: Let's get the aux. science sensors on-line. *he begins working on a station*

O'Brien: What happened anyway?

Lieutenant: (NPC) The wormhole generated a slightly strong gravitation distortion, nothing unusual.

N'Vek: Perhapes next time we could protect our selves from such a distortion by using a interspacal compensation deflector field. It could compensate for the graventation stress.

O'Brien: Good idea I'll pass it on.

Then the lights go to full brightness.

Lieutenant: (NPC) Nice job. Thats better.

N'Vek: O'Brien I suggrest you go to sickbay.

O'Brien: Why?

N'Vek: It's standard proceedure if you feel anything but well to check yourself. If during this mission we need your abilities and you are not at your best the ship could be indanger.

O'Brien: Your right N'Vek. See ya later. Maybe you could come to the holodeck with me.

N'Vek: Perhapes.

END: Ensign N'Vek


USS Scorpeta

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