USS Scoperta
Post 33

<<<Science lab>>>

4 Romulans appear with disrupters in hand. They walk towards Kavek with weapons raised.

" Drop your weapon." ordered the lead Romulan. Kavek drops the weapon. " It would be illogical to kill me. It would only raise the force of our security." said Kavek. " What is illogical is that you are talking back to me. Remember who is holding the disruptor. Vulcan fool." growled the Romulan. " Search the lab." ordered the leader. Three other Romulan officers begin to search the lab. Knocking over machinery and such.

<5 Minutes later>

The Romulan officers report secretly to their leader. He walks back to Kavek. " Where is it?" asked the leader. " I do not know what you are talking about." said Kavek. " We know you have it. We tried to steal that alien device from you." growled the Romulan. " You'll never find it." mummbled Kavek. "And why would the Star Empire need a anti-assimibaton device? The borg don't bother you much." asked Kavek. "Listen. Your war with the borg has weaken you and strengthen us. We're preparing...." "T'Nor you should not reveal the Empires plan." said an officer. " Yes. Thank you D'Sor." stated the Leader. "=/\= This is Lt. Data. This action is violating the treaty our worlds have signed and agreed on. We will stop you at any cost.=/\=" said Data strongly. " Even at the cost of your officer." sneared T'Nor. 'Shhhhh.....' "Commander I'm reading some kind of gas venting into this room." reported an officer. " Lets go. Reactivate your cloaks." ordered the Romulan Leader. They tapp a small device on the belt, but nothing happens. They begin to cough. Kavek runs into a testing room and shuts the door. The Romulans fall to the floor.

OFF: Ensign Kavek, Security officer, Uss Scoperta.